The Quin Heritage Group is a small cluster of enthusiasts, mostly located in the immediate area, who have been working for a number of years to bring together the history, folklore and landscape of the Quin area.  This is being achieved in several ways but perhaps most importantly by the building of the website

On our website, you may find a recent map of Quin village, highlighting all of the major historic sites, a virtual tour of Quin Friary that is possible to download to smartphones to be used for commentary when in the Friary. There are articles on the immediate area, from the Bronze Age to the present time. Calendar responses to the seasons recall local customs in the folklore section.  With expert guidance, the local graveyard was recently mapped by the members.

Importantly, and much appreciated are the recollections of Quin elders of life in the area over the last 80 years. These reminiscences provide a valuable social history. There is more to follow. The Bronze Age territories east of Quin and the medieval stone forts in the area now getting necessary attention. A brief history of each Quin townland is currently being prepared.

Much done, more to do.  Not only is Quin an attractive medieval village but it also has a very rich history. We look forward to sharing it with both locals and visitors alike.  

link Visit


Mountshannon Community Market

Market House & Community Hall, Mountshannon
2nd March, 2024 11:00 AM

Santa Visit

Fairy Garden Grotto, O Brien'Bridge
9th December, 2023 04:30 PM

Christmas Recital

St Caimin's Catholic Church, Mountshannon
17th December, 2021 08:00 PM

Community Singing in the Dome

The Dome, Raheenwood Steiner Secondary School
23rd October, 2021 12:00 PM

Alexander Ardakov

St Caimin's Catholic Church, Mountshannon
7th November, 2021 05:00 PM
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